Sigmund Chianasta's Project Portfolio Page
Project: McScheduler
McScheduler is a one-stop solution for McDonald’s Shift Managers to manage shift scheduling and worker contact/compensation, optimized for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI).
Given below are my contributions to the project.
- New Feature: Added mass operations for Assign and Unassign
- What it does: allows the user to assign multiple workers to a shift in a single call.
- Justification: allow managers to assign workers quickly, especially to fill in newly added shifts.
- Highlights: mass-ops uses already existing features so that it doesn’t add further complexity for users who are not using mass-ops. They can still add assignments one by one.
As extension of Assign and Unassign, Take-leave and Cancel-leave is also able to make use of the mass-ops function.
- The WorkerRolePair class was created to help make mass-ops more manageable.
- Credits: My amazing teammates for laying the groundwork with assigment and other commands to make implementation of mass-ops easier.
New Feature: Added McDonald’s jingle when opening the app
- What it does: plays the McDonald’s jingle when opening the app.
- Justification: its a neat little feature that we think users would appreciate by reminding them that they are a part of the McFamily.
- Highlights: added JavaFX’s media dependency to play the jingle.
- Credits: McDonald’s for creating the jingle, this youtube video for uploading it.
- Code contributed: RepoSense link
- NOTE: I refactored ab3 -> mcsheduler in PR #121, which then authored a lot of changes to me. Though, my teammates have added the @author tags to assign their important works as theirs. Please take note when reviewing my contributions!
- Project management:
- Managed releases
(3 releases) on GitHub
- Managed releases
- Enhancements to existing features:
- Updated the initial GUI color scheme (Pull request #98)
- Edited the Person model to Worker, with some minor parameter changes (Pull requests #40, #48, #57)
- Added more specific error messages, indicating the user’s wrong input (Pull request #194)
- Changed app icon, app name, jar name, window name, and in general removing the existance of ab3 #98
- Documentation:
- User Guide:
- Developer Guide:
- Miscellaneous:
- Created a mock-up UI to base work around (updated by a teammate) #26
- Community: