McScheduler is a one-stop solution for McDonald’s Shift Managers to manage shift scheduling, as well as worker contacts and compensation, optimized for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). With the McScheduler, all information needed for shift-work assignment is made easily available to streamline the work of McDonald’s Shift Managers.

Quick start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed on your computer.

  2. Download the latest mcscheduler.jar here.

  3. Copy the file to the folder you wish to use as the home folder for the McScheduler.

  4. Double-click the file to start the app. The GUI (similar to the image below) should appear in a few seconds. The app contains some sample data.

  5. Type a command in the command box and press Enter to execute it.
    e.g. Typing help and pressing Enter will open the help window.
    Some example commands you can try:

    • worker-list : Lists all workers in the McScheduler.

    • worker-add n/John hp/98765432 a/21 Lower Kent Ridge Rd, Singapore 119077 r/Cashier p/7 : Adds a cashier named John whose pay is $7/hr. His phone number is 98765432 and he lives at 21 Lower Kent Ridge Rd, Singapore 119077.

    • worker-delete 3 : Deletes the 3rd worker shown in the worker list.

    • shift-add d/Wed t/AM r/Cashier 2 r/Janitor 3 : Adds a Wednesday AM shift, which requires 2 workers to fill the cashier role and 3 workers to fill the janitor role.

    • assign s/3 w/2 r/Cashier : Assigns the 2nd worker on the list to the 3rd shift on the list as a cashier.

    • exit : Exits the app.

  6. Refer to the Features below for details of each command.


:information_source: Notes about the command format:

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by the user.
    e.g. in the command worker-delete WORKER_INDEX, WORKER_INDEX is a parameter for the index of the worker (in the worker list) you wish to delete from the application. The command can be used as worker-delete 4.

  • Parameters in [square brackets] are optional.
    e.g. n/NAME [r/ROLE] can be used as n/John Doe r/Cashier or as n/John Doe. [u/UNAVAILABLE_DAY [UNAVAILABLE_TIME]] can be used as ` ` (i.e. the entire parameter is not provided), as u/Mon (i.e. UNAVAILABILITY_TIME is not provided) or as u/Mon am.

  • Parameters with ​ after them can be used multiple times.
    e.g. w/WORKER_INDEX can be used as w/1, w/1 w/2, w/1 w/2 w/3 etc.

  • For parameters without …​ after them, if provided more than once, only the last value provided will be taken. eg. if n/Alex n/Betty n/Charlie is provided for n/NAME, the name taken will be Charlie.

  • When [square brackets] are used with ​, parameters can be used multiple times including zero times.
    e.g. [r/ROLE NUMBER_NEEDED]…​ can be used as   (i.e. 0 times), r/Cashier 3, r/Cashier 1 r/Janitor 2 etc.

  • Parameters in {curly brackets} are a set and should be used together. e.g. {w/WORKER_INDEX ROLE}…​ should be used as w/1 Cashier, w/1 Cashier w/2 Janitor w/3 Chef etc.

  • Parameters can be provided in any order, unless otherwise specified.
    e.g. if the command specifies n/NAME hp/PHONE_NUMBER, hp/PHONE_NUMBER n/NAME is also acceptable.

Adding a worker: worker-add

Adds a new worker to the McScheduler.


  • Adds a worker with the specified NAME, PHONE_NUMBER, ADDRESS, HOURLY_PAY and ROLE(s).
  • HOURLY_PAY must be a positive number not exceeding 1000, with a maximum of 2 decimal places.
  • We allow the workers to share PHONE_NUMBER and ADDRESS.
  • The PHONE_NUMBER has to be a valid Singapore phone number (8 digits, starting with 6, 8 or 9 only).
  • The worker will be fit to take on the specified ROLE(s) in a shift. The specified ROLE(s) must be an existing role in the McScheduler. A role can be added to the McScheduler using the role-add command.
  • UNAVAILABLE_DAY should take one of these values: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun. These values are case-insensitive (i.e. Mon, MON, mon etc. are all accepted).
  • UNAVAILABLE_TIME is optional but should take one of these values if specified: AM, PM. These values are case-insensitive (i.e. aM, Pm, PM, etc. are all accepted).
  • The worker will be unavailable for the entire day if no UNAVAILABLE_TIME is specified. Else, they will be unavailable on the specified UNAVAILABLE_DAY at the specified UNAVAILABLE_TIME.
:bulb: Tip: A worker can be fit for any number of roles (including zero) that can be added by multiple r/ parameters. A worker can have any number of unavailable timings (including zero) that can be added by multiple u/ parameters.


  • worker-add n/John hp/98765432 a/21 Lower Kent Ridge Rd, Singapore 119077 r/Cashier p/7 Adds a cashier named John whose pay is $7/hr. His phone number is 98765432 and he lives at 21 Lower Kent Ridge Rd, Singapore 119077.
    • Output: New worker added: John Phone: 9876 5432 Hourly pay: $7.00/hr Address: 21 Lower Kent Ridge Rd, Singapore 119077 Roles: Cashier Unavailable Timings:
  • worker-add n/Tom hp/87654321 a/22 Bong Keng Road, #01–01 r/Burger Flipper r/Janitor p/7.50 u/Mon AM Adds a worker named Tom who is fit to be a burger flipper or a janitor, and whose pay is $7.50/hr. His phone number is 87654321 and he lives at Bong Keng Road, #01–01. He is unavailable for work on Monday mornings.
    • Output: New worker added: Tom Phone: 8765 4321 Hourly pay: $7.50/hr Address: 22 Bong Keng Road, #01–01 Roles: [Janitor, Burger flipper] Unavailable Timings: [MON AM]

Listing all workers: worker-list

Shows a list of all workers in the McScheduler, including their contacts, hourly pay, assigned shifts and unavailable timings.

Format: worker-list

  • Output: Listed all workers
  • Additional parameters after the command worker-list will throw an Unexpected argument error.
    • e.g. worker-list asdf will return the following error: Unexpected argument for command "worker-list": asdf.

Editing a worker: worker-edit

Edits an existing worker in the McScheduler.


  • Edits the worker at the specified WORKER_INDEX. The worker index refers to the index number shown in the displayed worker list. The worker index must be a positive integer i.e. 1, 2, 3, …​
  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.
  • Existing values will be updated to the input values.
  • HOURLY_PAY must be a positive number not exceeding 1000, with a maximum of 2 decimal places.
  • We allow the workers to share PHONE_NUMBER and ADDRESS.
  • The PHONE_NUMBER has to be a valid Singapore phone number (8 digits, starting with 6, 8 or 9 only).
  • When editing roles, the existing roles of the worker will be removed i.e adding of roles is not cumulative.
  • The specified ROLE(s) must be an existing role in the McScheduler. A role can be added to the McScheduler using the role-add command.
  • When editing unavailabilities, the existing unavailabilities of the worker will be removed i.e. adding of unavailabilities is not cumulative.
  • UNAVAILABLE_DAY should take one of these values: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun. These values are case-insensitive (i.e. Mon, MON, mon etc. are all accepted).
  • UNAVAILABLE_TIME is optional but should take one of these values if specified: AM, PM. These values are case-insensitive (i.e. aM, Pm, PM, etc. are all accepted).
  • The edited worker will be unavailable for the entire day if no UNAVAILABLE_TIME is specified. Else, they will be unavailable on the specified UNAVAILABLE_DAY at the specified UNAVAILABLE_TIME.
:bulb: Tip: You can remove all of a worker’s roles by typing r/ without specifying any roles after it.


  • worker-edit 1 n/John r/Janitor Edits the name and role of the 1st worker to be John and janitor respectively.
    • Output: Edited worker: John Phone: 8743 8807 Hourly pay: $10.00/hr Address: Blk 30 Geylang Street 29, #06-40 Roles: [Janitor] Unavailable Timings: [MON PM]
  • worker-edit 2 n/Betsy Crower p/7 u/Mon Edits the name, pay and unavailable timings of the 2nd worker to be Betsy Crower, $7/hr and Mondays respectively.
    • Output: Edited worker: Betsy Crower Phone: 9927 2758 Hourly pay: $7.00/hr Address: Blk 30 Lorong 3 Serangoon Gardens, #07-18 Roles: [Janitor, Cashier] Unavailable Timings: [MON AM][MON PM]

Locating workers by name: worker-find

Finds workers whose names contain any of the given keywords.

Format: worker-find KEYWORD...

  • The search is case-insensitive. e.g. hans will match Hans
  • The order of the keywords does not matter. e.g. Hans Bo will match Bo Hans
  • Only the name is searched.
  • Only full words will be matched e.g. Han will not match Hans
  • Workers matching at least one keyword will be returned (i.e. OR search). e.g. Hans Bo will return Hans Gruber, Bo Yang


  • worker-find John returns john and John Doe
    • Output: 2 workers listed!
  • worker-find alex david returns Alex Yeoh and David Li
    • Output: 2 workers listed!

Deleting a worker: worker-delete

Deletes a worker from the McScheduler.

Format: worker-delete WORKER_INDEX

  • Deletes the worker at the specified WORKER_INDEX. The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed worker list. The worker index must be a positive integer i.e. 1, 2, 3, …​


  • worker-delete 4 Deletes the 4th worker shown in the worker list.
    • Output: Deleted worker: Tom Phone: 8765 4321 Hourly pay: $7.50/hr Address: 22 Bong Keng Road, #01–01 Roles: [Janitor, Burger flipper] Unavailable Timings: [MON AM]

Calculating a worker’s pay for the week: worker-pay

Calculates a worker’s pay for the week.

Format: worker-pay WORKER_INDEX

  • Calculates the total pay for the week for the worker at the specified WORKER_INDEX. The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed worker list. The worker index must be a positive integer i.e. 1, 2, 3, …​
  • Each AM and PM shift is 8 hours long.


  • worker-pay 4 Calculate the total pay for the week for the 4th worker shown in the worker list.
    • Output: David Li's pay for the week:
      $0.99/hr x 8hr/shift x 1 shift(s) = $7.92

Adding a shift: shift-add

Adds a new shift to the McScheduler.

Format: shift-add d/DAY t/TIME [r/ROLE NUMBER_NEEDED]...

  • Adds a shift on the specified DAY at the specified TIME.
  • The day specified should take one of these values: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun. These values are case- insensitive i.e. Mon, MON, mon etc. are all accepted.
  • The time specified should take one of these values: AM, PM. These values are case-insensitive i.e. am, AM, aM and Am are all accepted.
  • The shift will require worker(s) to fill the specified ROLE(s). The specified ROLE(s) must be an existing role in the McScheduler. A role can be added to the McScheduler using the role-add command.
  • Each role should be accompanied by the NUMBER_NEEDED to fill that role. This number must be a positive integer with no leading zeroes i.e. 1, 2, 3, …​
  • NUMBER_NEEDED must not exceed 50 i.e. there can only be at most 50 workers for each role.


  • shift-add d/Wed t/AM r/Cashier 2 r/Janitor 3 Adds a Wednesday AM shift, which requires 2 workers to fill the cashier role and 3 workers to fill the janitor role.
    • Output: New shift added: Day: WED Time: AM Role requirements: Role Required: Cashier x 2 Role Required: Janitor x 3
  • shift-add d/MON t/pM Adds a Monday PM shift with no required roles yet.
    • Output: New shift added: Day: MON Time: PM Role requirements:

Listing all shifts: shift-list

Shows a list of all shifts in the McScheduler, including the roles needed and workers assigned to each shift.

Format: shift-list

  • Output: Listed all shifts
  • Additional parameters after the command shift-list will throw an Unexpected argument error.
    • e.g. shift-list asdf will return the following error: Unexpected argument for command "shift-list": asdf.

Editing a shift: shift-edit

Edits the details of an existing shift in the McScheduler.

Format: shift-edit SHIFT_INDEX [d/DAY] [t/TIME] [r/ROLE NUMBER_NEEDED]...

  • Edits the shift at the specified SHIFT_INDEX. The shift index refers to the index number shown in the displayed shift list. The shift index must be a positive integer i.e. 1, 2, 3, …​
  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.
  • Existing values will be updated to the input values.
  • Existing role requirements will be overwritten by the new role requirements.
  • The day specified should take one of these values: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun. These values are case- insensitive i.e. Mon, MON, mon, mOn etc. are all accepted.
  • The time specified should take one of these values: AM, PM. These values are case-insensitive i.e. am, AM, aM and Am are all accepted.
  • The specified ROLE(s) must be an existing role in the McScheduler. A role can be added to the McScheduler using the role-add command.
  • Each role should be accompanied by the NUMBER_NEEDED to fill that role. This number must be a positive integer with no leading zeroes i.e. 1, 2, 3, …​
  • NUMBER_NEEDED must not exceed 50 i.e. there can only be at most 50 workers for each role within a shift.


  • shift-edit 3 r/Cashier 3 r/Janitor 2 Edits the 3rd shift on the list such that it now requires 3 cashiers and 2 janitors.
    • Output: Edited Shift: Day: WED Time: AM Role requirements: Role Required: Cashier x 3 Role Required: Janitor x 2
  • shift-edit 1 d/Mon t/PM r/Janitor 1 Edits the 1st shift such that it is now a Monday PM shift, requiring 1 janitor only.
    • Output: Edited Shift: Day: MON Time: PM Role requirements: Role Required: Janitor x 1
  • shift-edit 2 r/ Edits the 2nd shift such that it now has no required roles.
    • Output: Edited Shift: Day: TUE Time: PM Role requirements:

Locating shifts by day or time: shift-find

Finds shifts whose day or time contain any of the given keywords.

Format: shift-find KEYWORD...

  • The search is case-insensitive. e.g. mon will match MON.
  • Only the day and time are searched.
  • Only full words will be matched e.g. m will not match MON
  • Shifts matching at least one keyword will be returned (i.e. OR search).
    • e.g. MON AM will return a TUE AM shift and a MON PM shift.


  • shift-find Fri PM returns all shifts on Friday and all PM shifts. i.e. FRI PM, THU PM and FRI AM shift will all be returned.
    • Output: 2 shifts listed!
  • shift-find Mon returns a MON AM shift and a MON PM shift.
    • Output: 2 shifts listed!
  • shift-find AM PM returns all shifts.
    • Output: 4 shifts listed!

Deleting a shift: shift-delete

Deletes a shift from the McScheduler.

Format: shift-delete SHIFT_INDEX

  • Deletes the shift at the specified SHIFT_INDEX. The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed shift list. The shift index must be a positive integer i.e. 1, 2, 3, …​


  • shift-delete 2 Deletes the 2nd shift on the list.
    • Output: Deleted Shift: Day: WED Time: AM Role requirements: Role Required: Cashier x 3 Role Required: Janitor x 2

Adding a role: role-add

Adds a new role to the McScheduler.

Format: role-add ROLE

  • Adds the specified ROLE to the McScheduler. The specified ROLE should be alphanumeric and can contain spaces.
  • The specified ROLE cannot be too long (max 50 char).


  • role-add cashier Adds a cashier role.
    • Output: New role added: Cashier
  • role-add Storey 2 server Adds a storey 2 server role.
    • Output: New role added: Storey 2 server

Editing a role: role-edit

Edits an existing role in the McScheduler.

Format: role-edit ROLE_INDEX ROLE

  • Edits the role at the specified ROLE_INDEX. The role index refers to the index number shown in the displayed role list. The role index must be a positive integer i.e. 1, 2, 3, …​
  • The specified ROLE should be alphanumeric and can contain spaces (max 50 char).


  • role-edit 1 burger flipper Edits the 1st role to be burger flipper.
    • Output: Edited role: Burger flipper | Previous role: Chef

Deleting a role: role-delete

Deletes a role from the McScheduler.

Format: role-delete ROLE_INDEX

  • Deletes the role at the specified ROLE_INDEX. The index refers to the index number shown in the role list displayed. The role index must be a positive integer i.e. 1, 2, 3, …​


  • role-delete 3 Deletes the 3rd role shown in the role list.
    • Output: Deleted role: Storey 2 server

Listing all available workers for a shift and role: worker-avail

Shows a list of all workers and their corresponding index in the full worker list, who are available for a particular shift under a particular role.

Format: worker-avail SHIFT_INDEX r/ROLE

  • Shows a list of available workers who can work as the specified ROLE for the shift at the specified SHIFT_INDEX. The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed shift list. The shift index must be a positive integer i.e. 1, 2, 3, …​
  • ROLE must be a valid role that has already been added to the list of approved roles. See role-add.


  • worker-avail 4 r/Chef Show a list of available workers who can work as chefs for the 4th shift shown in the shift list.
    • Output: List of available workers for shift 4 (Role: Janitor)
      1 Alex Yeoh
      2 Betsy Crower
      6 Roy Balakrishnan
      8 Tom

Assigning a worker to a role in a shift: assign

Assigns an existing worker to take on an existing role in an existing shift.

Format: assign s/SHIFT_INDEX {w/WORKER_INDEX ROLE}...

  • Assigns the worker(s) at the specified WORKER_INDEX to the shift at the specified SHIFT_INDEX. The indexes refer to the index numbers shown in the displayed worker and shift lists. The indexes must be positive integers i.e. 1, 2, 3, …​
  • The assigned worker(s) will fill up the specified ROLE in the shift. The worker(s) must be fit for the specified ROLE and the shift must require the ROLE.
    • Leave is also accepted: workers can be assigned the leave status for any shift with no limit.
  • Each worker can only be assigned to one ROLE for a given shift. e.g. A worker cannot work as both chef and cashier for the same shift.
  • Each worker index should appear only once (i.e. no duplicates) since each worker can only be assigned to one role for a given shift.


  • assign s/3 w/2 Cashier Assigns the 2nd worker on the worker list to the 3rd shift on the shift list as a cashier.
    • Output: 1 new assignment(s) added:
      Shift: FRI PM - Worker: Betsy Crower (Role: Cashier)
  • assign s/3 w/1 Cashier w/3 Chef Assigns the 1st worker as a cashier and the 3rd worker as a chef to the 3rd shift.
    • Output: 2 new assignment(s) added:
      Shift: FRI PM - Worker: Charlotte Oliveiro (Role: Chef)
      Shift: FRI PM - Worker: Alex Yeoh (Role: Cashier)

Removing a worker from a shift: unassign

Removes a worker from a particular shift.

Format: unassign s/SHIFT_INDEX w/WORKER_INDEX...

  • Unassigns the worker(s) at the specified WORKER_INDEX from the shift at the specified SHIFT_ INDEX. The indexes refer to the index numbers shown in the displayed worker and shift lists. The indexes must be positive integers i.e. 1, 2, 3, …​


  • unassign s/3 w/2 Unassigns the 2nd worker on the worker list from the 3rd shift on the shift list.
    • Output: 1 shift assignment(s) removed:
      Shift: FRI PM - Worker: Betsy Crower (Role: Cashier)
  • unassign s/3 w/1 w/3 Unassigns the 1st worker and the 3rd worker from the 3rd shift.
    • Output: 2 shift assignment(s) removed:
      Shift: FRI PM - Worker: Charlotte Oliveiro (Role: Chef)
      Shift: FRI PM - Worker: Alex Yeoh (Role: Cashier)

Reassigning an existing assignment: reassign

Reassigns an existing assignment in the McScheduler, similar to an assignment edit.


  • Reassigns an existing assignment using the indexes provided such that the worker at NEW_WORKER_INDEX will be assigned to the shift at NEW_SHIFT_INDEX for the specified ROLE. The indexes must be positive integers i.e. 1,2, 3, …​
  • The old assignment involving the worker at the specified OLD_WORKER_INDEX and the shift at OLD_SHIFT_INDEX must exist. The old assignment will be edited during a successful reassign call.
  • The OLD_WORKER_INDEX can be the same as the NEW_WORKER_INDEX. The OLD_SHIFT_INDEX can be the same as the NEW_SHIFT_INDEX. This allows workers to be reassigned to the same shift but under a different ROLE. Alternatively, the 2nd reassign command format listed below can be used to achieve this in a more efficient manner.
  • No reassignment will be made if there already exists a duplicate assignment in the McScheduler.
  • Each worker can only be assigned to one ROLE for a given shift. e.g. A worker cannot work as both chef and cashier for the same shift.


  • reassign so/4 wo/1 sn/4 wn/2 r/Chef Reassigns an existing assignment (involving the 1st worker on the worker list and the 4th shift on the shift list), such that the 2nd worker on the worker list is assigned to the 4th shift on the shift list as a Chef.
    • Output: Reassignment made: Shift: SUN PM - Worker: Betsy Crower (Role: Chef) | Previous Role: Chef
  • reassign so/1 wo/2 sn/3 wn/2 r/Cashier Reassigns an existing assignment (involving the 2nd worker on the worker list and the 1st shift on the shift list), such that the 2nd worker in the worker list is assigned to the 3rd shift on the shift list as a Cashier.
    • Output: Reassignment made: Shift: FRI PM - Worker: Betsy Crower (Role: Cashier) | Previous Role: Cashier


  • Reassigns an existing assignment using the indexes provided such that the worker at WORKER_INDEX will be assigned to the role NEW_ROLE in the shift specified by SHIFT_INDEX. The indexes must be positive integers i.e. 1,2, 3, …​
  • The old assignment involving the worker at the specified WORKER_INDEX and the shift at SHIFT_INDEX must exist. The old assignment will be edited during a successful reassign call.
  • No reassignment will be made if there already exists a duplicate assignment in the McScheduler (i.e. the worker specified by WORKER_INDEX is already assigned to the role specified by NEW_ROLE under the shift specified by SHIFT_INDEX).


  • reassign s/4 w/4 r/Chef Reassigns the 4th worker on the worker list as a Chef in the 4th shift on the shift list.
    • Output: Reassignment made: Shift: SUN PM - Worker: David Li (Role: Chef) | Previous Role: Cashier

Assigning a worker to take leave during a shift: take-leave

Assigns a worker to take leave at a particular day and time, as indicated by a shift.

Format: take-leave s/SHIFT_INDEX w/WORKER_INDEX...

  • Assigns worker(s) to take leave on the shift at the specified SHIFT_INDEX in the shift list. The worker(s) taking leave will be the worker(s) at the specified WORKER_INDEX in the worker list.
  • The order of specifying does not matter, as long as ‘s/’ is attached to the SHIFT_INDEX and ‘w/’ is attached to the WORKER_INDEX.
    e.g. take-leave s/4 w/1 is equivalent to take-leave w/1 s/4.
  • An error message will be shown if any of the workers are unavailable for that shift, since there is no reason to take leave then.


  • take-leave s/4 w/4 Assigns the 4th worker to take leave during the 4th shift.
    • Output: [Leave taken] Reassignment made: Shift: SUN PM - Worker: David Li (Role: Leave) | Previous Role: Chef
  • take-leave s/4 w/1 w/3 Assigns the 1st and 3rd worker to take leave during the 4th shift.
    • Output: [Leave taken] 2 new assignment(s) added:
      Shift: SUN PM - Worker: Alex Yeoh (Role: Leave)
      Shift: SUN PM - Worker: Charlotte Oliveiro (Role: Leave)

Assigning a worker leave over a range of days and times: mass-take-leave

Assigns a worker to take leave over a range of days and times given a start and end day/time.

Format: mass-take-leave w/WORKER_INDEX d/START_DAY t/START_TIME d/END_DAY t/END_TIME

  • Assigns a worker to take leave on all shifts between the specified START_DAY and START_TIME to END_DAY and END_TIME. The worker taking leave will be the worker at the specified WORKER_INDEX in the worker list.
  • The order of specifying does matter between the two sets of days and times (i.e. START_DAY must come before END_DAY and similarly for time). Specifying in the wrong order is likely to result in leave taken in the wrong shifts.
  • However, the order does not matter for all other arguments.
    e.g. mass-take-leave w/2 d/MON t/AM d/FRI t/PM is the same as mass-take-leave t/AM t/PM d/MON d/FRI w/2, though the latter syntax is not recommended.
  • The day/time range will loop properly between Sunday and Monday. Hence mass-take-leave w/2 d/SUN t/AM d/MON t/AM will work as intended - leave taken on Sunday morning to Monday morning.
  • Shifts will be created for all day and time combinations within the specified range that does not have a shift already present within the McScheduler. These shifts will have no role requirements.
  • While the command will still go through, a warning message will be shown when the worker has an assigned role in any one of the shifts within the day/time range.


  • mass-take-leave w/2 d/MON t/PM d/THU t/PM Assigns the 2nd worker to take leave from MON PM shift to THU PM shift (inclusive).
    • Output: Leave added for Betsy Crower from MON PM to THU PM.
  • mass-take-leave w/1 d/THU t/PM d/MON t/PM Assigns the 1st worker to take leave from THU PM shift to MON PM shift (inclusive).
    • Output: Leave added for Alex Yeoh from THU PM to MON PM.

Cancelling a worker’s leave for a shift: cancel-leave

Cancels a worker’s leave at a particular day and time, as indicated by a shift.

Format cancel-leave s/SHIFT_INDEX w/WORKER_INDEX...

  • Cancel’s worker(s)’ leave on the shift at the specified SHIFT_INDEX in the shift list. The worker whose leave is cancelled will be the worker(s) at the specified WORKER_INDEX in the worker list.
  • The order of specifying does not matter, as long as ‘s/’ is attached to the SHIFT_INDEX and ‘w/’ is attached to the WORKER_INDEX.
    e.g. cancel-leave s/4 w/1 is equivalent to cancel-leave w/1 s/4.
  • An error message will be shown in the following situations:
    • No leave found for the worker(s) at the specified shift.
    • An assignment other than leave is found for the worker(s) at the specified shift.


  • cancel-leave s/4 w/4 Cancels the leave of the 4th worker for the 4th shift.
    • Output: [Leave Cancelled] 1 shift assignment(s) removed:
      Shift: SUN PM - Worker: David Li (Role: Leave)
  • cancel-leave s/4 w/1 w/3 Cancels the leave of the 1st and the 3rd worker for the 4th shift.
    • Output: [Leave Cancelled] 2 shift assignment(s) removed:
      Shift: SUN PM - Worker: Charlotte Oliveiro (Role: Leave)
      Shift: SUN PM - Worker: Alex Yeoh (Role: Leave)

Cancelling a worker’s leave over a range of days and times: mass-cancel-leave

Cancels a worker’s leave over a range of days and times given a start and end day/time.

Format: mass-cancel-leave w/WORKER_INDEX d/START_DAY t/START_TIME d/END_DAY t/END_TIME

  • Cancels a worker’s leave on all shifts between the specified START_DAY and START_TIME to END_DAY and END_TIME. The worker cancelling leave will be the worker at the specified WORKER_INDEX in the worker list.
  • The order of specifying does matter between the two sets of days and times (i.e. START_DAY must come before END_DAY and similarly for time). Specifying in the wrong order is likely to result in leave cancelled in the wrong shifts.
  • However, the order does not matter for all other arguments.
    e.g. mass-cancel-leave w/2 d/MON t/AM d/FRI t/PM is the same as mass-cancel-leave t/AM t/PM d/MON d/FRI w/2, though the latter syntax is not recommended.
  • The day/time range will loop properly between Sunday and Monday. Hence mass-cancel-leave w/2 d/SUN t/AM d/MON t/AM will work as intended - leave cancelled from Sunday morning to Monday morning.
  • An error message will be shown in the following situations:
    • The worker has no leave in the given day/time range.


  • mass-cancel-leave w/2 d/MON t/PM d/THU t/PM Cancels the 2nd worker’s leave between MON PM shift to THU PM shift (inclusive).
    • Output: Leave cancelled for Betsy Crower from MON PM to THU PM.
  • mass-cancel-leave w/1 d/THU t/PM d/MON t/PM Cancels the 1st worker leave between THU PM shift to MON PM shift (inclusive).
    • Output: Leave cancelled for Alex Yeoh from THU PM to MON PM.

General features

Viewing help: help

Shows a message explaining how to access the help page.

help message

Format: help

  • Additional parameters after the command help will throw an Unexpected argument error.
    • e.g. help asdf will return the following error: Unexpected argument for command "help": asdf.

Deleting all existing data in McScheduler: clear

Delete all existing data (Worker, Shift, Assignment and Role) in McScheduler.

Format: clear

  • Output: The McScheduler has been cleared!
  • Additional parameters after the command clear will throw an Unexpected argument error.
    • e.g. clear asdf will return the following error: Unexpected argument for command "clear": asdf.

Exiting the program : exit

Exits the program.

Format: exit

  • Additional parameters after the command exit will throw an Unexpected argument error.
    • e.g. exit asdf will return the following error: Unexpected argument for command "exit": asdf.

Saving the data

McScheduler data are saved in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data. There is no need to save manually.


Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?
A: Install the app in the other computer and overwrite the default data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous McScheduler home folder.

Command summary

Data Action Format, Example
e.g. worker-add n/John hp/98765432 a/21 Lower Kent Ridge Rd, Singapore 119077 r/Cashier p/7 u/Mon am
Worker Delete worker-delete WORKER_INDEX
e.g. worker-delete 4
e.g. worker-edit 2 n/Betsy Crower p/7 u/Mon
Worker List worker-list
Worker Find worker-find KEYWORD...
e.g. worker-find alex david
Worker Pay worker-pay WORKER_INDEX
e.g. worker-pay 1
Shift Add shift-add d/DAY t/TIME [r/ROLE NUMBER_NEEDED]...
e.g. shift-add d/Wed t/AM r/Cashier 2 r/Janitor 3
Data Action Format, Example
Shift Delete shift-delete SHIFT_INDEX
e.g. shift-delete 2
Shift Edit shift-edit SHIFT_INDEX [d/DAY] [t/TIME] [r/ROLE NUMBER_NEEDED]...
e.g. shift-edit 1 d/Mon t/PM r/Janitor 1
Shift List shift-list
Shift Find shift-find KEYWORD...
e.g. shift-find Fri PM
Role Add role-add ROLE
e.g. role-add Storey 2 server
Role Delete role-delete ROLE_INDEX
e.g. role-delete 3
Role Edit role-edit ROLE_INDEX NEW_ROLE
e.g. role-edit 1 burger flipper
Assignment Show Available Workers worker-avail SHIFT_INDEX r/ROLE
e.g. worker-avail 1 r/Chef
Assignment Assign assign s/SHIFT_INDEX {w/WORKER_INDEX ROLE}...
e.g. assign s/3 w/2 Cashier w/3 Chef
Assignment Unassign unassign s/SHIFT_INDEX w/WORKER_INDEX...
e.g. unassign s/4 w/1 w/5
e.g. reassign so/4 wo/1 sn/1 wn/1 r/Chef
e.g. reassign s/1 w/1 r/Cashier
Data Action Format, Example
Leave Take take-leave s/SHIFT_INDEX w/WORKER_INDEX...
e.g. take-leave s/2 w/1 w/4
Leave Take over range of dates mass-take-leave w/WORKER_INDEX d/START_DAY t/START_TIME d/END_DAY t/END_TIME
e.g. mass-take-leave w/2 d/Sat t/AM d/Tue t/PM
Leave Cancel cancel-leave s/SHIFT_INDEX w/WORKER_INDEX...
e.g.cancel-leave s/3 w/2 w/3
Leave Cancel over a range of dates mass-cancel-leave w/WORKER_INDEX d/START_DAY t/START_TIME d/END_DAY t/END_TIME
e.g. mass-cancel-leave w/3 d/Mon t/AM d/Mon t/PM
General Help help
General Clear clear
General Exit exit